GCA seniors finish out XC season strong at final meet

This past Saturday, the GCA High School Cross Country team ran in the GAPPS State Cross Country Meet, held in Macon, Ga. This race would be the final for seniors Abigail Anderson, Daniel Jones and Wyatt Carpenter.
Anderson set a new personal record, while Carpenter finished 6th with a time of 18:44, and Jones finished 15th, with a time of 19:37. Kevin Brooks, Ben York, Jay Lanier and Evan Sigman rounded out the team, while Callie Widner was unable to make it.
The GCA Middle School had their state meet on October 10, in Fayetteville. Walker Elrod came in 8th with a time of 11:31, followed by Keith Eidson at 12th with a time of 11:42. Kate Poitevint came in with a time of 13:54, with the rest of the girl’s team running several personal records.
“A lot of these schools have cross-country as a year-long class,” Elizabeth Simmons said in an interview. “A lot of our runners play in other sports, while these other schools are all in on running. Competition is big.”