Gov. Kemp announced a second round of the Capital Projects Fund Grant Program to expand high-speed internet service to unserved and underserved areas

Macon, GA – Officials have announced that Georgia expects to invest an additional $15 million through this round of broadband expansion, and the funding will be administered and deployed by the Office of Planning and Budget through a competitive grant process.

Officials also said that the Capital Projects Fund Grant Program will provide needed support to build comprehensive broadband networks in communities struggling with a lack of internet access.

Approved projects will use leading technologies to offer reliable, high-speed internet access able to support a household with multiple users, as well as businesses with competitive needs.

Details on the application process can be found here.

The second round of this grant program follows the $234 million investment of CPF funds announced by Governor Kemp on January 4, 2023.

These awards will improve connectivity for communities, households, businesses, and anchor institutions in 28 Georgia counties. 

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