This is probably the most effective way to get rid of mold safely, naturally and permanently

Most of the cleaning products rely on heavy duty chemicals to work, which produce harmful fumes. But, don’t worry, because there are still natural ways to remove mold. Many people around the world use these natural alternatives instead. These natural alternatives are extremely effective and environmentally-friendly. People from Miami, Florida would find these very useful.
It’s your lucky day, because in this article we are going to show you 5 natural solutions, which will help you remove the mold in your home – in all natural way. These homemade methods are very simple – you just have to follow the simple instructions.
- Hydrogen Peroxide
This hydrogen peroxide mixture is a simple and inexpensive solution, which will help you get rid of your mold problem. Note: you should use 3% hydrogen peroxide. Here’s what you need to do – just mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and vinegar. Then, you need to pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use over the affected area. leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then scrub and wipe using a clean cloth.
- Vinegar
Did you know that vinegar is a mild acid which can kill 99 % of bacteria, 82 % of mold, and 80 % of germs (viruses)? This is really amazing, right? Here’s what you need to do – make sure you use white distilled vinegar. Pour it into a spray bottle without watering it down. Spray the vinegar onto the moldy surface and leave it to sit for an hour. After one hour, you need to wipe the area clean with water and allow the surface to dry. Any smell from the vinegar should clear within a few hours, but if it lingers, you can freshen up the space with bowls of lemon water around the area.
- Tea Tree Oil
Note: tea tree oil is really expensive, but you should know that it works well on small areas. Here’s what you need to do – just mix two teaspoons of tea tree oil with 1 cup. Spray the solution onto the mold spores and let it dry. You will be amazed by the results.
- Citrus Seed Extract
Note: you should know that the citrus seed extract does not leave any odor when used, unlike the other mixtures. Here’s what you need to do – you need to dilute about 20 drops of citrus seed extract with 2 cups of water. Mix them well in a spray bottle and spray onto the affected area. Similar to the previous solution, do not rinse.
- Baking Soda
You should know that when baking soda is mixed with vinegar and water, or just with water – is the most powerful and most effective cleaning mixture on this list. Here’s what you need to do – just mix baking soda with water or a water-and-vinegar solution, and spray onto surface. Let it sit, then scrub and wipe with a damp cloth.
Note: you don’t have to wait until mold starts to surface to remove it. Make use of any of these natural solutions to prevent mold from taking hold in the first place. And, if you’re experiencing a humidity problem, then you should definitely buy a dehumidifier – to maintain a relative humidity of 50% or below. This will help stop mold creation as it needs water in a liquid state or high water vapor in the air to grow.